If you’ve previously deployed Content Services where external Search access was disabled (the default), you can run the following helm upgrade command to enable external access for /solr (replace YOUR-BASIC-AUTH and YOUR-IPS with the encoded basic authentication string, and list of whitelisted IP addresses you perpared in Prepare data section:
helm upgrade acs alfresco/alfresco-content-services \ --set alfresco-search.ingress.enabled=true \ --set alfresco-search.ingress.basicAuth="YOUR-BASIC-AUTH" \ --set alfresco-search.ingress.whitelist_ips="YOUR_IPS" \
Note: There are known issues when upgrading a Helm chart relating to
Helm cache.
If your helm upgrade fails due to any of these example errors:
Error: UPGRADE FAILED: no Secret with the name "nosy-tapir-alfresco-search-solr" found Error: UPGRADE FAILED: no Ingress with the name "nosy-tapir-alfresco-search-solr" found
Then, simply delete that resource using one of the following examples:
kubectl delete secret nosy-tapir-alfresco-search-solr --namespace=alfresco kubectl delete ingress nosy-tapir-alfresco-search-solr --namespace=alfresco
Next, re-try the steps to Upgrade (Search), which also re-creates the deleted resource.