Target O/S - Alfresco Content Services - 23.4 - 23.4 - Ready - Alfresco - external

Alfresco Content Services

Alfresco Content Services

While Content Services supports a wide range of OS, the playbook is only supported for a subset of them. The table below gives detailed information on the status of supported OS:


  • Y = platform supported and tested on this playbook

  • [Y] = platform supported but not automatically tested on this playbook

  • X = platform not supported by this playbook (despite officially supported by Alfresco)

  • - = platform not officially supported by Alfresco

OS Flavor / version 7.4 Enterprise / Community 7.3 Enterprise 7.2 Enterprise 7.1 Enterprise 7.0 Enterprise
Amazon Linux (v2) X X X X X
Amazon Linux (v1) X X X X X
RHEL 8.7 [Y] - - - -
RHEL 8.6 Y Y - - -
RHEL 8.5 [Y] Y Y - -
RHEL 8.4 - Y Y Y Y
RHEL 8.2 - Y Y Y Y
RHEL 7.7 - - - Y Y
RHEL 7.6 - - - Y Y
CentOS 7 x64 [Y] Y Y Y Y
Ubuntu 22.04 Y Y - - -
Ubuntu 20.04 Y Y Y Y Y
Ubuntu 18.04 - - Y Y Y
SUSE 15.0 - - - - X
SUSE 12.0 SP1 x64 - - - - X
Note: Ansible version 2.14.x is used for testing this playbook.