Single machine installation - Alfresco Content Services - 23.4 - 23.4 - Ready - Alfresco - external

Alfresco Content Services

Alfresco Content Services

The diagram below shows the result of a single machine installation.

This image is a system architecture diagram from Alfresco Software Inc., illustrating the components and their interactions within the system, specifically highlighting the target host. Here is a detailed description of the diagram. The user interacts with the system through various components. Control Node is the control component for orchestrating the setup and interactions between components, and Inventory is a component maintaining the list of system resources. Components and their interactions within the Target Host: Repository & Share interacts with Tomcat and Search Service. Tomcat interacts with Repository and Share. Search Service interacts with Repository & Share and AIO Transform Engine. The AIO Transform Engine interacts with the Search Service and Java. The Transform Router interacts with Java and Shared File Service. The Shared File Service interacts with the Transform Router and Java. The Sync Service interacts with Java, Shared File Service, and ActiveMQ. The ActiveMQ service interacts with the Sync Service and Java. Java interacts with AIO Transform Engine, Transform Router, Shared File Service, NGINX Proxy, Sync Service, ActiveMQ, Common, and PostgreSQL. The NGINX Proxy interacts with Java and Common. The Digital Workspace interface interacts with Common. The PostgreSQL database interacts with Java and Sync Service. The Common shared libraries and services interact with Java, NGINX Proxy, and Digital Workspace. Components are interconnected with each other, ensuring seamless data flow and functionality within the system. This diagram emphasizes the flow and interaction of various services and components within the target host environment, managed by the control node.

Once you’ve prepared the target host and configured the inventory_ssh.yaml file as described above, you’re ready to run the playbook.

To check that your inventory file is configured correctly, and the control node is able to connect to the target host, navigate to the folder where you extracted the ZIP to and run:

ansible all -m ping -i inventory_ssh.yml

To deploy different versions of Content Services use one of the following commands:

  • 7.3:
    ansible-playbook playbooks/acs.yml -i inventory_ssh.yml -e
  • 7.2:
    ansible-playbook playbooks/acs.yml -i inventory_ssh.yml -e
  • 7.1:
    ansible-playbook playbooks/acs.yml -i inventory_ssh.yml -e
  • 7.0:
    ansible-playbook playbooks/acs.yml -i inventory_ssh.yml -e

If you see an error message during installation, then check for Troubleshooting.

Note: Depending on the number of hosts in the target environment, and the network performances, the playbook takes around 30 minutes to complete.

Once the playbook is complete, Ansible displays a play recap to let you know that everything is done, similar to the following:

PLAY RECAP *******************************************************************************************************
acc_1                      : ok=24   changed=6    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=6    rescued=0    ignored=0
activemq_1                 : ok=24   changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=17   rescued=0    ignored=0
adw_1                      : ok=24   changed=6    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=6    rescued=0    ignored=0
database_1                 : ok=20   changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=11   rescued=0    ignored=0
nginx_1                    : ok=21   changed=8    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=8    rescued=0    ignored=0
repository_1               : ok=92   changed=43   unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=14   rescued=0    ignored=0
search_1                   : ok=34   changed=13   unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=11   rescued=0    ignored=0
syncservice_1              : ok=39   changed=18   unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=13   rescued=0    ignored=0
transformers_1             : ok=81   changed=10   unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=44   rescued=0    ignored=0

For details about the webapp URLs, location of logs, configuration etc., see Useful information.

If you’re deploying a production system, ensure that you review the additional information provided in Securing your installation.