What needs to be removed from a system depends on your inventory configuration. The steps below presume:
- A localhost or single machine installation, meaning all roles were run on the same machine.
- Deployment of ansible artifacts by using platform-cleanup.yml playbook and platform-uninstall.yml playbook respectively.
- Cleanup and uninstall of Content Services.
Below are the services, packages & folders we are removing when uninstalling.
Stop and remove the following systemd services:
- alfresco-transform-router.service
- alfresco-shared-fs.service
- alfresco-tengine-aio.service
- alfresco-sync.service
- alfresco-search.service
- alfresco-content.service
- nginx.service
- activemq.service
- postgres-version.service (where version is 13 for Content Services 7.x and 14 for Content Services 7.3 or 7.4)
Remove the following yum packages:
- ImageMagick
- libreoffice
- nginx
- postgresql
Remove the following folders:
- /opt/apache-activemq-version
- /opt/apache-tomcat-version
- /opt/libreofficeversion
- /opt/openjdk-version
- /opt/alfresco
- /etc/opt/alfresco
- /var/opt/alfresco
- /var/log/alfresco
- /tmp/ansible_artefacts
- /tmp/Alfresco
In order to uninstall this from the hosts run the following command:pipenv run ansible-playbook playbooks/platform-uninstall.yml -i inventory_ssh.yml