Configure LDAP synchronization - Alfresco Content Services - 23.4 - 23.4 - Ready - Alfresco - external

Alfresco Content Services

Alfresco Content Services

An LDAP directory needs to be synchronized with Keycloak, Alfresco Content Services (ACS) and Alfresco Process Services (APS). The following steps detail the synchronization with Keycloak, whilst the configuration to ACS and APS is covered in later steps.

  1. Sign into the Keycloak Administration Console (Keycloak Admin Console) and select the Alfresco realm.
  2. Select User Federation and Add Ldap providers.
  3. Choosing a Vendor will auto-populate many of the fields.
  4. Enter the Connection URL for the LDAP instance in the format:
    1. ldap// or
    2. ldaps// for SSL-enabled installations
  5. Set the Batch Size and whether to use Full Sync and/or Period Changed Users Sync followed by the associated Sync Periods.
  6. Save the configuration.