Adding a menu item to the “Create…” menu - Alfresco Content Services - 23.4 - 23.4 - Ready - Alfresco - external

Alfresco Content Services

Alfresco Content Services

Extension Point: Surf Extension Modules


This tutorial demonstrates how to add a new menu item called Create an Acme Text Document to the Create… menu that is available in the browse view in the Document Library. When the new menu item is selected it will prompt the user for document name, title, description, and text content. When the user clicks Create to create the document it will be created with a custom type set. Because the document is created with a custom type we also need to configure a “create” form for this type, which this tutorial shows how to do. The general take away from this tutorial is that most of the configuration that is normally done in the share-config-custom.xml file can also be done with Surf Extension Modules, which makes it possible to enable and disable the configuration at runtime.

Implementation Steps:

Adding a new content create item in the Document Library usually involves the following steps:

  1. Create a custom content model, with the type that should be set on content when using the new create content action.
  2. Generate/Use a Repo JAR project to contain the custom model
  3. Create a Surf Extension Module containing the create action definition and the form definition.
  4. Generate/Use a new Share JAR project to contain the Surf Extension Module

Related Information:

This tutorial assumes that you are familiar with the Document Library in Share.

Source Code: Go to code

This tutorial assumes you have created a new SDK All-In-One project.

Sometimes when you have a custom content model it is useful to be able to create new documents with a custom type set automatically, and at the same time also collect values for the type’s custom properties. All directly from the Share user interface. This can be done by adding menu items to the Create… menu in the Document Library.

Tutorial implementation steps:

  1. Add a custom content model and type.

    This tutorial assumes that we have a custom type to work with. So we are going to create one in a new custom content model and include it in the Repo JAR that comes with the All-In-One project.

    The Repo JAR already got a file where we can start adding our custom content model. Open up the aio/aio-platform-jar/src/main/resources/alfresco/module/aio-platform-jar/model/content-model.xml file and update it so it looks like this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <model name="acme:contentModel" xmlns="">
        <!-- Optional meta-data about the model -->
        <description>Document Model for the fictional company Acme</description>
        <author>James Alfresco</author>
            <!-- Import Alfresco Dictionary Definitions -->
            <import uri="" prefix="d"/>
            <!-- Import Alfresco Content Domain Model Definitions -->
            <import uri="" prefix="cm"/>
            <!-- Import Alfresco System Model Definitions -->
            <import uri="" prefix="sys"/>
        <!-- Custom namespace for your domain -->
            <namespace uri="" prefix="acme"/>
        <!-- ===============================================================================================================
            Constraints, Types, and Aspects go here...
                Enterprise-wide Document root type
            <type name="acme:document">
                <title>Base document type</title>
                    <property name="acme:documentId">
                        <title>Document Identification Number</title>

    Here we have defined a new name space for the model called acme, and then added a new type to it called document. The type has one custom property called documentId that can be used to keep an identifier for the document for easier lookup. We will use this type when creating the text document from the Share UI.

  2. Add a new Surf Extension Modules file called add-create-menuitem-doclib-extension-modules.xml to the aio/aio-share-jar/src/main/resources/alfresco/web-extension/site-data/extensions directory (note. it is important to give this file a unique name when several Share JARs are installed, otherwise the last one wins):
            <!-- This module is dependent on the custom content model setup in the repo-amp module -->
                <id>Add a new menu item to Create... menu in DocLib</id>
                    <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="DocumentLibrary">
                            <content id="acme-plain-text" label="" icon="text" type="pagelink">
                                <param name="page">create-content?destination={nodeRef}&amp;itemId=acme:document&amp;mimeType=text/plain</param>
                    <config evaluator="model-type" condition="acme:document">
                                    <show id="cm:name"/>
                                    <show id="cm:content" force="true"/>
                                    <show id="cm:title" force="true"/>
                                    <show id="cm:description" force="true"/>
                                    <show id="acme:documentId" force="true"/>
                                    <show id="mimetype"/>
                                    <show id="app:editInline" force="true"/>
                                    <field id="cm:name">
                                            <control-param name="maxLength">255</control-param>
                                    <field id="cm:title">
                                        <control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/textfield.ftl"/>
                                    <field id="cm:content" label-id="">
                                            <control-param name="editorAppearance">explorer</control-param>
                                    <field id="acme:documentId">
                                        <control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/textfield.ftl"/>
                                    <field id="mimetype">
                                        <control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/hidden.ftl">
                                            <control-param name="contextProperty">mimeType</control-param>
                                    <field id="app:editInline">
                                        <control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/hidden.ftl">
                                            <control-param name="contextProperty">editInline</control-param>

    This extension module first configures the new menu item for the Create… menu. These create-content menu items can be of three different types (matching the usual DocLib action configuration):

    • link - accepts a href param that will be passed a nodeRef token for substitution, used for external links.
    • pagelink - accepts a page param that will be passed a nodeRef token for substitution, used for Share links.
    • javascript - accepts a function param of an action that will get the current folder item as first argument. This new menu item should create a new text document with a custom type applied so the page parameter is set to point to the create form page in Share (that is, /create-content?destination={nodeRef}...). And theitemId=acme:document parameter specifies what custom type that should be applied to the new text document. The create-content page has a form manager that will look for a create form matching the acme:document type, so we need to define one.

    To create a new form for the create-content page we define a configuration section matching the <config evaluator="model-type" condition="{content model type}"> pattern. The easiest way to get going with these types of forms is to lookup the form for the type that the new custom type is extending, in our case the cm:content type. All the out-of-the-box form definitions can be found in the tomcat/webapps/share/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/share-form-config.xml file. Search for <config evaluator="model-type" condition="cm:content"> to get the form. Then just change the condition and add any custom properties such as acme:documentId.

  3. Add an i18n resource file with the create content action label.

    We can use the existing aio/aio-share-jar/src/main/resources/alfresco/web-extension/messages/ file for this. Add the following property to it: an Acme Text Document

    It is also possible to skip these resource label properties all together, and just type in the label directly in the create action definition, if for example the system should only support English:

    <contentid="acme-plain-text"label="Create an Acme Text Document"icon="text"type="pagelink">
  4. The implementation of this sample is now done, build and start the application server as follows:
    /all-in-one$ ./ build_start
  5. Now, log in to Share (http://localhost:8080/share) and you will see the new Create… > Create an Acme Text Document menu item as follows:
    An example of a Share view with a Create an Acme Text Document... action in the Create menu.

    Clicking the new menu item brings up a form that looks like this:

    An opened Create Content dialog box.

    Note the custom field for the document identifier at the bottom of the form.

    If you wanted to hide all other file and folder create actions, and just display your custom one. Then use replace="true" in the configuration so it looks like this:


    Further on, if you wanted to for example display the other create actions only for users and groups with certain permissions you could use the following type of configuration:

        <content id="folder" label="create-content.folder" icon="folder" index="5" type="javascript">
           <param name="function">onNewFolder</param>
              <permission allow="true">CustomCreateContentPermission</permission>

    See Permissions and Roles for more information about how to create custom permissions.

    Note: A Surf Extension module like this can be deployed and undeployed during runtime. And this means that an Administrator can control when different customizations should be visible or hidden. This is managed via the Module deployment page that can be found at: http://localhost:8080/share/service/modules/deploy.