Using the JSON callback - Alfresco Content Services - 23.4 - 23.4 - Ready - Alfresco - external

Alfresco Content Services

Alfresco Content Services

Creating a callback example involves creating an HTML page that invokes the Hello User web script with a callback that displays the JSON response in an alert box.

Note: For security reasons, this mechanism is disabled by default. To enable it on any web scripts container, set the bean property: allowCallbacks = true. This change can be made in web-scripts-application-context.xml, or more conveniently outside of the alfresco.war file in tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension/custom-web-context.xml.
  1. Create a custom-web-context.xml file in the extension directory (tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension).
  2. Copy the complete bean bean id="webscripts.container from the web-scripts-application-context.xml file located (v5.1) in the ./alfresco/WEB-INF/lib/alfresco-remote-api-5.1.jar/alfresco/web-scripts-application-context.xml into the custom context file.
  3. Add the property <property name="allowCallbacks"> to the bean (see example below):
        <property name="configService" ref="webscripts.config" />
        <property name="name"><value>Repository</value></property>
        <property name="allowCallbacks"><value>true</value></property>
        <property name="scriptObjects">
          <map merge="true">
            <entry key="paging">
              <ref bean="webscripts.js.paging"/>
        <property name="webScriptsRegistryCache" ref="webScriptsRegistryCache"/>
        <!-- Use the time-limited transaction helper to keep request times to an acceptable duration -->
        <property name="transactionService" ref="transactionService" />
        <!-- The transaction helper used to generate error responses must be unlimited -->
        <property name="fallbackTransactionHelper" ref="retryingTransactionHelper" />
        <property name="authorityService" ref="AuthorityService" />
        <property name="repository" ref="repositoryHelper" />
        <property name="repositoryImageResolver" ref="webscripts.repo.imageresolver" />
        <property name="templateProcessorRegistry" ref="webscripts.repo.registry.templateprocessor" />
        <property name="scriptProcessorRegistry" ref="webscripts.repo.registry.scriptprocessor" />
        <property name="descriptorService" ref="DescriptorService" />
        <property name="tenantAdminService" ref="tenantAdminService" />
        <property name="encryptTempFiles" value="${webscripts.encryptTempFiles}"/>
        <property name="tempDirectoryName" value="${webscripts.tempDirectoryName}"/>
        <property name="memoryThreshold" value="${webscripts.memoryThreshold}"/>
        <property name="maxContentSize" value="${webscripts.setMaxContentSize}"/>
  4. Restart application server.
  5. Create the HTML page.
    1. Create a file named callback.html on your machine’s local file system.
    2. Edit the file and add the following HTML:
              // callback function to display greeting
              functionshowGreeting(res) {alert(res.greeting + ' ' + res.user);}
              // invoke web script hello user web script
              var script = document.createElement('SCRIPT');
              script.type = 'text/javascript';
              script.src = 'http://localhost:8080/alfresco/s/hellouser.json?alf_callback=showGreeting';
  6. Test the callback.
    1. Open the file callback.html file in your web browser.
    2. If prompted, log in with the user name admin and password admin.
An alert box displaying the message hello admin indicates your callback is working.