Processing multipart forms - Alfresco Content Services - 23.4 - 23.4 - Ready - Alfresco - external

Alfresco Content Services

Alfresco Content Services

This task demonstrates how to handle multipart/form-data form submits by creating two web scripts for the following functions:

  • Present a form that allows the selection of a file along with title and description
  • Upload the selected file into the repository
  1. Log in to Alfresco Share
    1. Open a web browser and enter the following URL: http://localhost:8080/share
    2. If prompted, log in with the user name admin and password admin.
  2. Click the Repository link in the Share header.
  3. Navigate to Data Dictionary > Web Scripts Extensions > org > example.
  4. Create a web script description document for your form:
    1. In the Create menu, select XML.
    2. Enter the name for the web script in the Name field: multipart.get.desc.xml
    3. Type the following in the content box:
        <shortname>File Upload Sample</shortname>
        <description>Form to upload file.</description>
    4. Click Create.
    5. Navigate back to the org/example folder using the breadcrumb trail.
  5. Create an HTML response template for your form:
    1. In the Create menu, select Plain Text.
    2. Enter the name in the Name field: multipart.get.html.ftl
    3. Type the following in the content box:
          <form action="${url.service}" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
            File: <input type="file" name="file"><br>
            Title: <input name="title"><br>
            Description: <input name="description"><br>
            <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Upload">
    4. Click Create.
    5. Navigate back to the org/example folder using the breadcrumb trail.
  6. Create a web script description document for your upload web script:
    1. In the Create menu, select XML.
    2. Enter the name in the Name field:
    3. Type the following in the content box:
        <shortname>File Upload Sample</shortname>
        <description>Handling of multipart/form-data requests.</description>
    4. Click Create.
    5. Navigate back to the org/example folder using the breadcrumb trail.
  7. Create a controller script for your upload web script:
    1. In the Create menu, select Plain Text.
    2. Enter the name in the Name field:
    3. Type the following in the content box:
      // extract file attributes
      var title = args.title;
      var description = args.description;
      // extract file
      var file = null;
      for each (field in formdata.fields)
        if ( == "file" && field.isFile)
          file = field;
      // ensure file has been uploaded
      if (file.filename == "")
        status.code = 400;
        status.message = "Uploaded file cannot be located";
        status.redirect = true;
        // create document in company home from uploaded file
        upload = companyhome.createFile(file.filename) ;;; = title; = description;;
        // setup model for response template
        model.upload = upload;
    4. Click Create.
    5. Navigate back to the org/example folder using the breadcrumb trail.
  8. Create a response template for your upload web script:
    1. In the Create menu, select plain Text.
    2. Enter the name in the Name field:
    3. Type the following in the content box:
          Uploaded ${} of size ${}.
    4. Click Create.
    5. Navigate back to the org/example folder using the breadcrumb trail.
  9. Register the web scripts with Alfresco.
    1. Switch to a new browser tab, enter the URL: http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service/index
    2. If prompted, log in with the user name admin and password admin.
    3. Click Refresh Web Scripts.
    A message indicates there are two additional web scripts.

Your sample form consists of only three input fields, where one is of type file. The form posts its content to the action URI as identified by the root object url.service, which for this sample is /multipart and specifies the multipart/form-data content type.


Your two web scripts are mapped to the same URI. However, the form is attached to the HTTP GET method and the upload is attached to the HTTP POST method, which allows your form to post to the same URI as the form itself.

When multipart/form-data is posted to a web script, the Web Script Framework provides a special root object named formdata that allows access to the posted request through a simple API, hiding the complexities of parsing the request directly. The API provides access to each form field, including its name and value. For form fields of type file, the content of the uploaded file is also provided. To simplify even further, all fields other than those of type file are also added to the root objects args and argsM. Your upload web script extracts the form title and description fields from the args root object and locates the uploaded file through the formdata root object.

var title = args.title;
var description = args.description;
var file = null;
for each (field in formdata.fields)
  if ( == "file" &amp;&amp; field.isFile)
    file = field;

If a file has been uploaded, the upload web script creates a new document within the Alfresco content repository under the Company Home folder. The document is named after the file name of the uploaded file and its content is taken from the file content.

upload = companyhome.createFile(file.filename) ;;;

The created document is placed into the web script model, allowing the upload response template to render a message confirming the name and size of the uploaded file.

model.upload = upload;