If you were relying on the Alfresco:Name=Log4jHierarchy JMX bean to add new loggers at runtime, you can now use the Alfresco:Name=Log4jManagement bean to perform the same operation.
The Alfresco:Name=Log4jManagement bean exposes an addLoggerMBean operation which requires the package or class name of the desired logger as input. Once the logger is successfully added, a new JMX bean will be registered under org.apache.logging.log4j2:type=<LogContextName>,component=Loggers. This additional bean will be of type LoggerConfigAdminMBean - it should match the name of the desired package/class name, and it can be reconfigured at runtime as described in the section above.
Note: If you have multiple
components with different <LogContextName> values, you can
identify the correct one to refer to by checking the value of the
Alfresco:Name=Log4jManagement read-only attribute named
LogContextName. The value of LogContextName
should match.