Working with a set of rules - Alfresco Content Services - 23.4 - 23.4 - Ready - Alfresco - external

Alfresco Content Services

Alfresco Content Services

You can easily view and maintain the individual rules that makes up the rule set. You can add, edit, and delete rules, make a rule inactive, and change the run order. You can also manually run rules.

You can create many rules to form a full set of rules, and then apply multiple rules to folders.

When you select the Manage Rules action for a folder with defined rules, the Rules page is split into two.

The left side of the page lists the rules that make up the rule set. If the folder inherits rules from a parent folder, those rules appear here too. The rules run in the order they’re listed. Inherited rules are always run first.

A check mark to the left of the rule means it’s active.

Selecting an individual rule in this list displays its details on the right side of the page.