The actions and details are grouped in sections that you can expand and collapse.
Note: The viewing options are saved for the next time you preview this
- Document Actions - All actions available for the file.
- Tags - Tags associated with the item. Click to display the Edit Properties page. On this page click Select beneath the Tags label to edit the tags. You can add and remove existing tags, and create new tags.
- Share - Select and copy this link to share it with others.
- Properties - Click to edit the properties of the file.
- Permissions - Click to edit the permissions for this file.
- Workflows - Displays tasks that this file is included in. The profile picture of the user who started the task and the task type are shown. Click to start a new task for this file, and click a task description to view the task.
- Version History - Displays previous versions. Click to upload a new version, to replace the current version with a previous version, to download a previous version, or to view previous version properties.