Document Library: Folders and files - Alfresco Content Services - 23.4 - 23.4 - Ready - Alfresco - external

Alfresco Content Services

Alfresco Content Services
Permission Consumer Contributor Collaborator Manager
View folder / item details page X X X X
Like / unlike X X X X
Favorite / unfavorite X X X X
Rename folder / item - created / added by self X X X
Rename folder / item - created by other user X X
Edit basic details - created by self X X X
Edit basic details - created by other user X X
Edit custom properties - created by self X X X
Edit custom properties - created by other user X X
Copy X * X X X
Move - content created by self X X X
Move - content created by other user X
Delete - content created by self X X X
Delete - content created by other user X
Manage permissions - content created by self X X X
Manage permissions - content created by other user X
Manage aspects - content created by self X X X
Manage aspects - content created by other user X X
Change type - content created by self X X X
Change type - content created by other user X X
Copy page URL X X X X
Add comment X X X
Edit comment - content created by self X X X
Edit comment - content created by other user X
Delete comment - content created by self X X X
Delete comment - content created by other user X

(*) A user with the role Consumer can copy a folder or file to another site if the user performing the action has the role of Manager, Collaborator, or Contributor in the target site.

Note: Consumers who previously held a site role where they were able to add content retain their previously held permissions for any content they have added.