Hiding easy access records - Alfresco Governance Services - 23.4 - 23.4 - Ready - Alfresco - external

Alfresco Governance Services

Alfresco Governance Services

Once a file has been declared as a record, you have the option to hide it from its originating site.

This can help to avoid any confusion with site members trying to work with files that have been declared as records.

Once hidden, the record created from the file is available as usual in the Records Management site, but in its originating site it’s no longer available in the document library.

  1. In the Document Library of an Alfresco site find a file that’s been declared as a record.
  2. Hover over the file and select Hide Record.
  3. Click OK to confirm that you want to hide the record.

    The record’s now hidden from the Document Library. Once a record has been hidden it can’t be unhidden. If a record is rejected from the Records Management site then it will become visible again with a warning that it’s been rejected.