Viewing record category details - Alfresco Governance Services - 23.4 - 23.4 - Ready - Alfresco - external

Alfresco Governance Services

Alfresco Governance Services

The record category details page gives you access to the actions available to be performed on the category, the custom metadata, the

retention schedule, and the category URL.

  1. Hover over a record category in the File Plan and click View Details.

    The details page displays. On this page, you can see the metadata, the retention schedule, and the available actions in the Actions list.

    If no retention schedule has been set for the record category, you create it here. If a retention schedule exists, you can edit it.

    Where a retention schedule exists, click View Description in the Retention Steps section to display the description for a particular step.

  2. Click the location link above the record category name to return to the File Plan.