As well as basic searches where you search for a specific word, you can also create more complex full text searches with multiple matches, tokens, phrases, wildcards, ranges, and grouping.
Full text searches can be very simple, using a text string, or you can do more complex searches with multiple matches, tokens, phrases, wildcards, ranges, and grouping. The search syntax follows the format:
- <field-name> is the field within Records Management. For example, identifier is the field name for the unique record identifier.
- : (colon) separates the field name from the search value. Make sure there’s no space between the colon separator and the value.
- <search-value> is the value that you want to search for.
Alfresco Records Management has a large number of fields to search against, see Search field options and Search record type field options. The search query requires that you enter the internal name of these fields in the text box. The Search by menu list assists you when entering the fields.
To search for phrases, wrap the value string in “quotes”. You can also use the wildcard matching characters, question mark (?) for a single character, and asterisk (*) for zero or more characters to apply to any text value.