Custom security groups - Alfresco Governance Services - 23.4 - 23.4 - Ready - Alfresco - external

Alfresco Governance Services

Alfresco Governance Services

You can create an unlimited number of security groups, which in turn can contain an unlimited number of security marks. The marks are then applied to files and records and assigned to users.

When you create a new security group there are three Group Types available:

  • All= Users must have all security marks from the group that are applied to a file to see that file.

    Example: A Security Group named Training contains security marks of Media and Data Handling. To see a file marked as both Media or Data Handling, then a user must have both Media and Data Handling clearance.

  • Any = Users must have at least one of the security marks from the group that are applied to a file to see that file.

    Example: A Security Group named Nationality contains security marks of UK, US, and Aus. To see a file marked as UK and US, then a user must have UK and / or US clearance.

  • Hierarchical = Security marks are ranked in the order they’re created. The mark created first in a security group has the greatest clearance, the one created last the least clearance.

    Example: The predefined Classification group has marks of Top Secret, Secret, and Classified. To see a file classified as Secret, then the user must have Secret or Top Secret clearance.

Using the above examples, if a record has been classified as Media, Data Handling, US, and UK, then:

  • User 1 (Media, Data Handling, and UK) - can see and work with the record
  • User 2 (Media and UK) - doesn’t see the record in the File Plan
Note: Files and records aren’t visibly labelled with custom security marks in the same way as they are with security classification marks.