After the locking code information is received by Hyland Software, a license file is generated and sent to the customer. That license file must be activated for use. The server can also activate a Temp license until the restricted license is provided.
Once the license is activated, an email is automatically sent to Hyland Software indicating that the license has been activated using information entered during the locking code generation. If the email cannot be sent (for example, if the email server is unavailable), a dialog box is displayed with the information that you must manually email to Hyland Software. The information is also copied to the Clipboard so that you can paste the text into an email.
The Zip file contains the license file and an HTML file describing which products and features are licensed. If the View License HTML option is selected, the HTML file will be automatically displayed after activation. The HTML file can also be viewed after activation by selecting View | View HTML from the main application screen.
To activate a machine license: