Configure Barcode Data - CAPTUREit - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - AnyDoc - external


Foundation 23.1

CAPTUREit can read barcode data from each image and output it to the ASCII file in the image control expression or document control. CAPTUREit performs a full page barcode search. Each recognized barcode is delimited as a separate field in the image control expression. Space savers are output to ensure data integrity if fewer than the expected number of symbols are found.

To configure barcode data:

  1. From the File menu, click New Capture Profile to open the Create New Capture Profile window


    To edit an existing profile, double-click a profile in the Workflow Manager.

  2. Click the Output - ASCII tab.
  3. Select the Generate ASCI Output File check box and in the Output File Name field, specify the name of the output file.
  4. Click Image Record.
    The Configure Image Control window is displayed.
  5. In the System Defined Control Fields section, double-click Barcode Data.
    It is added to the Image Control Expression field.
  6. Click OK to return to the Output - ASCII tab.
  7. Click Configure Barcode Data.

    The Configure Barcode Parameters window is displayed.

  8. Set the parameters on the following tabs:

    The Recognition Options tab is only available when accessing the Configure Barcode Parameters window from the Output | ASCII tab for the profile.

  9. Click OK.