Add a Prompting Control Field - CAPTUREit - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - AnyDoc - external


Foundation 23.1

A prompting Batch Control Number expression can be defined to prompt the operator for information when a batch is scanned or imported. A prompting expression is entered between angle brackets like a static literal, but a pair of square brackets is inserted right before the closing angle bracket. For example: <Enter your employee code []>.

When a prompting expression is used in the Batch Control Number along with the Auto Incrementing Sequence Number field, both prompts appear together during Scan/Import.

In addition, an edit mask can be included between the square brackets to restrict what the operator is allowed to enter.

  1. From the File menu, click New Capture Profile.


    To edit an existing profile, double-click a profile in the Workflow Manager.

  2. Click the Output - ASCII tab.
  3. Click Batch Header Record, Image Record, o r Document Set Record.
  4. Click Add Prompting Control.

    The Configure Prompting Control Field window is displayed.

  5. In the User Prompt field, enter the text to prompt the scan or import operator with.
  6. To set limits on what data is valid in the prompting control field, in the Apply Entered Data section select one of the following options:
    • Accept Anything

      The system does not check what the operator enters in the field.

    • Must Match Edit Mask

      If this is selected, enter an edit mask in the space to the right. An edit mask can constrain the data to a specified length or character type. For example, three letters or two digits. Valid characters include:

      • A - Alpha character only

        9 - Numeric character only

        X - Alphanumeric character

        @ - Variable number of alpha characters

        Z - Variable number of numeric characters

        $ - Variable number of numeric characters in an amount field, including commas.

        V - Implied decimal point (inserts a decimal point)

        . - Fixed decimal point

    1. Any other character in the mask, such as a dash, denotes a fixed character and are not accepted.
  7. To name the prompting control, select the Prompting Control ID check box and enter a descriptive name in the field. This name can be used to ID the control in VBScript.
  8. To omit the prompt response from the output files, select Collect Fields for Use in Scripting (no Output).
  9. Click OK.