Document Set System-Defined Control Fields - CAPTUREit - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - AnyDoc - external


Foundation 23.1

System Defined Field



Barcode Data


Outputs the barcode information.

Batch Control Number (User Assigned)


Outputs the user defined batch control number. See Configure Batch Control Number).

Batch ID (System Assigned)


Outputs the system assigned batch number.

Batch Sequence Nbr ####


Outputs the image's number within the batch with four digits. For example, output for the third image in the batch would be 0003.

Document Nbr 1 ########


Outputs the image's file name.

Document Nbr 2 c:\..\########.tif


Outputs the fully qualified path and image file name with .TIF extension after the batch is released.

Document Nbr 3 ########.tif


Outputs the image's file name with .TIF extension after the batch is released.

Document Set First Page #####


Outputs the eight-digit file name for the first image in the document set of which this image is a member.

Document Set Last Page #####


Outputs the eight-digit file name for the last image in the document set of which this image is a member.

Document Set Number in Batch


Outputs the sequence of the document set within the batch.

Document Set Total Number of Pages


Outputs the total number of pages in the document set.

Imprinter String


Outputs the imprinter string configured under Settings | Scanner Setup | Imprinter.

Number of Document Sets


Outputs the number of document sets in the batch.

Number of Images (Released)


Outputs the number of released images in the batch. For example, the number of images after any CAPTUREit processing has taken place.

Number of Images (Scanned)


Outputs the number of images originally Scanned or Imported.

Number of Pages (Scanned)


Outputs the number of images scanned or imported. The front and back of one page equals two images.

OPEX Check Bin


Outputs the OPEX check bin number.

OPEX MICR Magnetic Data


Outputs the magnetic OCR data from the scanned MICR.

OPEX MICR Optical Data


Outputs the optical OCR data from the scanned MICR.

OPEX Number of Checks


Outputs the total number of check pages scanned or imported.

OPEX Number of Non-Checks


Outputs the total number of non-check pages scanned or imported.

OPEX Output Bin


Outputs the OPEX bin number.

Orig PDF Archive Copy2 c:\..\######.pdf


Outputs the fully qualified path and image file name, with a PDF extension, of the archived original PDF after the batch is released.

QA Operator


Outputs the network ID of the QA operator.

Scan Computer Name


Outputs the name of the computer or scan station

Scan Date


Outputs the date the batch was Scanned or Imported. See Configure Date Format Settings.

Scan Operator


Outputs the network ID of the scan or import station, or if log ins are used, the user name.

Scan Station ID


Outputs the unique scan station identifier.

Scan Time HH:MM:SS


Outputs the time in hour:minute: second format that the image was scanned or imported.