System Defined Field |
Expression |
Output |
Barcode Data |
Outputs the barcode information. |
Batch Control Number (User Assigned) |
Outputs the user defined batch control number. See Configure Batch Control Number). |
Batch ID (System Assigned) |
Outputs the system assigned batch number. |
Batch Sequence Nbr #### |
<S_BSEQ> |
Outputs the image's number within the batch with four digits. For example, output for the third image in the batch would be 0003. |
Document Nbr 1 ######## |
<DOC_F1> |
Outputs the image's file name. |
Document Nbr 2 c:\..\########.tif |
<DOC_F2> |
Outputs the fully qualified path and image file name with .TIF extension after the batch is released. |
Document Nbr 3 ########.tif |
<DOC_F3> |
Outputs the image's file name with .TIF extension after the batch is released. |
Document Set First Page ##### |
Outputs the eight-digit file name for the first image in the document set of which this image is a member. |
Document Set Last Page ##### |
Outputs the eight-digit file name for the last image in the document set of which this image is a member. |
Document Set Number in Batch |
Outputs the sequence of the document set within the batch. |
Document Set Total Number of Pages |
Outputs the total number of pages in the document set. |
Imprinter String |
Outputs the imprinter string configured under Settings | Scanner Setup | Imprinter. |
Number of Document Sets |
Outputs the number of document sets in the batch. |
Number of Images (Released) |
Outputs the number of released images in the batch. For example, the number of images after any CAPTUREit processing has taken place. |
Number of Images (Scanned) |
Outputs the number of images originally Scanned or Imported. |
Number of Pages (Scanned) |
Outputs the number of images scanned or imported. The front and back of one page equals two images. |
OPEX Check Bin |
Outputs the OPEX check bin number. |
OPEX MICR Magnetic Data |
Outputs the magnetic OCR data from the scanned MICR. |
OPEX MICR Optical Data |
Outputs the optical OCR data from the scanned MICR. |
OPEX Number of Checks |
Outputs the total number of check pages scanned or imported. |
OPEX Number of Non-Checks |
Outputs the total number of non-check pages scanned or imported. |
OPEX Output Bin |
Outputs the OPEX bin number. |
Orig PDF Archive Copy2 c:\..\######.pdf |
Outputs the fully qualified path and image file name, with a PDF extension, of the archived original PDF after the batch is released. |
QA Operator |
Outputs the network ID of the QA operator. |
Scan Computer Name |
Outputs the name of the computer or scan station |
Scan Date |
<S_DATE> |
Outputs the date the batch was Scanned or Imported. See Configure Date Format Settings. |
Scan Operator |
<S_OPER> |
Outputs the network ID of the scan or import station, or if log ins are used, the user name. |
Scan Station ID |
Outputs the unique scan station identifier. |
Scan Time HH:MM:SS |
<S_TIME> |
Outputs the time in hour:minute: second format that the image was scanned or imported. |