EXCHANGEit Options - CAPTUREit - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - AnyDoc - external


Foundation 23.1

These options only apply if the Local Capture to Sub-Directory destination is selected on the Destination tab and EXCHANGEit is installed on the current workstation. These settings allow you to select and run an EXCHANGEit job after the output files are saved to the location specified on the Local Sub-Directory tab. For more information about setting the local output directory settings, see Local Sub-Directory Destination Settings.



Run EXCHANGEit Job at Release

Select this check box to automatically run the specified EXCHANGEit job at release.

EXCHANGEit Server Machine Name

Select the name of the EXCHANGEit server. The default is localhost.

Select Job

Click to display the Select EXCHANGEit Job window. Select the EXCHANGEit job that CAPTUREit will run after the Release phase and click OK.

EXCHANGEit Server Port Number

Specify the port number that CAPTUREit will use to connect to EXCHANGEit.

This number should be the port number specified in EXCHANGEit when configuring the .ini file settings plus 200. For example, if the port number specified in EXCHANGEit is 8000, this port number should be 8200.