Image Cleanup Parameters Overview - CAPTUREit - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - AnyDoc - external


Foundation 23.1

Image Cleanup Parameters are advanced settings used to clean problem images. Image cleanup permanently changes scanned images when applied.

  1. Access the Image Cleanup Parameters window from one of the following locations:
    • When creating a new capture profile or editing an existing profile through the Create a New Capture Profile or Edit Profile | Processing Options tab.

    • From the Quality Assurance window by clicking the Configure/Apply Image Cleanup button, or by right-clicking an image in the batch image list to access Cleanup Options | Configure/Apply Image Cleanup. The options displayed vary based on whether the image is color or bitonal.

  2. Click the Configure Cleanup Parameters button. The Image Cleanup Parameters dialog box is displayed.
  3. To turn on an option, select the corresponding check box. A corresponding tab is added to the list of tabs in the dialog box.
  4. Click on each option's tab name to configure the available settings for each selected option.