Image Cleanup Parameters | Vertical Registration Tab - CAPTUREit - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - AnyDoc - external


Foundation 23.1

Normal Registration zones should be used if possible, but the registration options in the Image Cleanup parameters can be used if there are no reliable registration points available on the form for Registration zones. See Registration Zones.

The Vertical Registration options locate the topmost edge of the text, and position it a fixed distance from the top edge of the image. When using Vertical Registration, activate Deskew, unless the original is perfectly straight. You can activate and set the Image Cleanup parameters for Horizontal and Vertical Registration separately. For applications where precise text location is important, activate both Horizontal and Vertical Registration.



Resultant Top Margin

Determines how many pixels remain as a top margin after processing. Setting the value to 0 places text flush with the top edge of the image. A negative value crops the specified number of pixels from the top edge of the text.

Central Focus

Causes only the middle portion of the image border to be registered. Central focus is useful for ignoring edge noise, letterheads and logos.

Add Only

Causes the current margin (if it is smaller than the specified value) to be expanded to the size specified in the Resultant left margin parameter.

Vertical Register to Line



Vertical Register to Line

This option positions the text in the image based on the position of a horizontal line near the top of the page. This line should be significantly larger than any text characters. In particular, those characters above this line.

Minimum Line Length

Set this parameter to a value less than the length of the line to register on. The image is examined from top to bottom, until a horizontal line segment larger than the specified value is located, or until one quarter of the image height is reached. The image is then shifted so that the line is the distance from the top edge of the image as specified by Resultant top margin. Setting the value to zero deactivates this feature.

Maximum Line Thickness

Scans down the image looking for lines. In some cases, this option can mistake dense text for a line. This parameter lets you select the maximum thickness to consider when registering to a horizontal line, so you can set the maximum line thickness lower than the height of the text.

Maximum Line Gap

If the value is under three this option ignores short gaps. However, setting this value over three employs special algorithms. These algorithms reassemble broken lines into a whole line for registration purposes, and can dramatically improve the success rate with this feature.

Vertical Registration Skip



Vertical Registration Skip

Select this check box to skip a set number of scan lines. The skip feature is particularly valuable for dealing with unwanted data on the edge of an image. In some cases, you may want to skip over a form line or margin note that can be seen as valid data. In other cases, this feature can be useful to skip over scanner artifacts that look like lines or data.


Specify the number of scan lines to skip before this option starts looking for valid information for registration.