Error Messages - CAPTUREit - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - AnyDoc - external


Foundation 23.1

The following error messages could occur when using the port communication method.



An unknown error occurred

An unknown error has occurred. All client and server log files are needed for troubleshooting.

WSA version not found

The version of Windows Sockets could not be determined or the version is not compatible. WSA version 2.2 is required.

Network subsystem is not initialized

The Windows Sockets subsystem is not installed correctly or more than one version is installed and an older version is in use. Reinstall WinSock.

A blocking call is in progress

This is an internal error. Refer to the client and server log files for troubleshooting.

The limit on the number of tasks supported by WSA has been reached

Too many programs are attempting to use Windows Sockets simultaneously. Shut down other programs that may be using Windows Sockets and check for viruses or spyware that could be using sockets.

Fault occurred during processing

This is an internal error. Refer to the client and server log files for troubleshooting.

Not initialized

This is an internal error. Refer to the client and server log files for troubleshooting.

Network unavailable

Windows Sockets encountered a dead network. Check the NIC drivers, NIC card, protocol drivers, or the local network.

Desired address is already in use

The server was unable to use the specified port number. Enter a different port number, set all clients to the newly selected port number, and change firewall settings if necessary.

Socket is invalid

This is an internal error. Refer to the client and server log files for troubleshooting.

Socket is already connected

This is an internal error. Refer to the client and server log files for troubleshooting.

Address family not supported

This is an internal error. Refer to the client and server log files for troubleshooting.

No more socket descriptors are available

Too many programs are attempting to use Windows Sockets simultaneously. Shut down other programs that may be using Windows Sockets and check for viruses or spyware that could be using sockets. If that does not resolve the problem, refer to the client and server log files for troubleshooting.

No more buffer space available for socket

The system lacks the buffer space to complete a request. Shut down other programs that may be using Windows Sockets and check for viruses or spyware that could be using sockets.

Protocol not supported

TCP/IP protocol-stack needs to be installed on a device that can reach the desired network.

Protocol is not valid for this socket type

This is an internal error. Refer to the client and server log files for troubleshooting.

Socket type is not supported by the address family

This is an internal error. Refer to the client and server log files for troubleshooting.

Access to socket denied, probably opened exclusively by another app

This is an internal error. Refer to the client and server log files for troubleshooting.

Address is not available

Check the specified server address to ensure it is valid. If the server address is valid or this error message occurred on the server, then this is an internal error. Refer to the client and server log files for troubleshooting.

Socket is not valid (probably INVALID_SOCKET), probably indicates a failure to detect a previous error

This is an internal error. Refer to the client and server log files for troubleshooting.

Timeout on a socket operation

The information requested last was not received. This could be a network failure, an invalid address, a blocked address, or the server may not be running.

Already a non-blocking call made

This is an internal error. Refer to the client and server log files for troubleshooting.

Connection forcefully refused by remote end

Something was found at the given address, but it did not respond or refused a connection on the given port. Make sure the address and port number are correct. If using a firewall, make sure it is configured correctly to allow TCP communications from the outside to the server and from the server to the outside.

Connection was already established (returned by connect())

This is an internal error. Refer to the client and server log files for troubleshooting.

The network can not be reached at this time

The network that the server is on could not be reached.

A blocking operation was interrupted by a call to WSACancelBlockingCall

This is an internal error. Refer to the client and server log files for troubleshooting.

Server/Client had to resynchronize

This is a warning. A problem occurred but the client and server were able to recover. If this continues to occur, there could be an internal problem. Refer to the log files from the client machine exhibiting the problem and the server for troubleshooting.

Socket connection has been lost due to timeout or other failure

An existing connection timed out attempting to transfer data.

A CRequestBlock with an unrecognized RequestName was sent to the server

This results when different versions are installed on the client and server. Make sure the most recent version of CAPTUREit and CAPTUREit Server are installed. If the same version is installed on both the client and server, then the log files are needed to determine the exact cause of the error.

An exception was thrown on the server, probably a GPF

This is an internal error and the client and server log files are needed for troubleshooting.