Upgrade Considerations - CAPTUREit - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - AnyDoc - external


Foundation 23.1

The following information should be considered or noted when upgrading deployments to the AnyDoc Service Pack deployment. Read this information prior to upgrading your version of AnyDoc.

Before beginning the upgrade, note that all machines with the following applications must be upgraded at the same time:

  • MANAGEit

  • VERIFYit Server

  • VERIFYit

  • OCR for AnyDoc



Incremental upgrades are not supported with the AnyDoc v23 software.

With this upgrade, control paths now link to work files through the database using the OCR for AnyDoc Conversion Assistant. Prior to upgrading, ensure that the following has been done:

  • Identify all Control Paths that are currently being used.

  • Ensure that all affected work stations are logged off.

  • Determine the database connection. Supported databases include:

    • SQL Server 2012. Note that the installer needs dbcreator, security and public server roles assigned to create the database and the tables with the Conversion Assistant. The Client Workstation also requires that the SQL Native Client 11.1 driver is installed.

    • Oracle 12c. Note that the user 'AnyDoc' MUST be created by the database administrator and granted the appropriate permissions before continuing. Permissions granted must include Read, Write, Create and Delete. Any Client workstations running CAPTURE it, VERIFYit, MANAGEit or OCR for AnyDoc requires the Oracle 12c Client or equivalent configured for the AnyDoc user.

  • Log off and shut down all AnyDoc applications.

  • Back up the Control Path file server.

  • Upgrade all stations to the AnyDoc Service Pack.


Once AnyDoc 23.1 has been installed, and one or more control paths have been updated, earlier versions of the AnyDoc product cannot be used. If you must revert to an earlier version, Anydoc 23.1 must be completely uninstalled prior to installing the earlier version.

After upgrading, you must do the following:

  • Run the OCR for AnyDoc Conversion Assistant. Refer to the OCR for AnyDoc manual reference guide for more information.

  • Create a database connection

  • Convert all identified solution control paths to the same database connection

  • Access all workstations and confirm a connection to the control path and database