Permissions Settings - CAPTUREit - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - AnyDoc - external


Foundation 23.1

Users and groups can only perform those functions that are selected on the Permissions Settings or Group Settings window. Permissions that are displayed in blue indicate they have been set at the group level and cannot be overridden at the user level. The following permission types are available:



Settings Menu Settings

Select the options that should be displayed on the Settings menu for the group or user.

Profile Settings

Select the permissions to grant with regards to working with profiles and On The Fly Scanning.

Group/User Administration Settings

The Administrator Right option grants a user or group permission to change settings for users in their group but they cannot add new users. When assigning the Administrator Right to a user, that user must have a password assigned to their profile.

At least one of the remaining options is required to display the Management menu when a user is logged in as an Administrator.

If Administrative rights are granted to a user or group, an asterisk is displayed next to the user or group's name in the Group Management window.

The View Other User's Jobs option grants the Administrator access (provided they have full access to the user's directory) to other user's batches even when the Enable Job Privacy for Users option is enabled.

Batch Processing Settings

Select the permissions to grant with regards to working with batches.