License Settings Using a CAPTUREit Server License - CAPTUREit - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - AnyDoc - external


Foundation 23.1

Follow these steps to use a license attached to a CAPTUREit Server.

  1. If this is the first time running CAPTUREit since installation, start the application. Otherwise, access the licensing configuration wizard by doing one of the following:
    • Go to Start | All Programs | Hyland | CAPTUREit Configure License.

    • Add the -k switch to the CAPTUREit shortcut's properties and start the application.

      The welcome screen of the Hyland AnyDoc Licensing Configuration Wizard is displayed.

    The welcome screen of the Hyland AnyDoc Licensing Configuration Wizard is displayed.

  2. Enter a password to change the configuration. This is required, and allows you to continue CAPTUREit licensing configuration.
  3. Select the Set or change password to configure these settings check box to modify an existing password. In the Update Password dialog box, enter the current password, and then enter and verify the new password in the appropriate fields. Click OK to continue.
  4. Click Next. The License Source window is displayed.
  5. Select CAPTUREit Server License and click Next. The Licensing via the CAPTUREit Server window is displayed.
  6. Log in to CAPTUREit Server and click Finish.