Delete an Image - CAPTUREit - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - AnyDoc - external


Foundation 23.1

If the batch is being routed to OCR for AnyDoc then a deletion reason can be specified when it is deleted. This requires the Route CAPTUREit Deleted Images to OCR for AnyDoc option to be selected at the Family level on the Delete/Reroute Settings | Delete Options tab in OCR for AnyDoc. If that option is not selected, then the delete reason will not be requested, regardless of the destination.

  1. From the Quality Assurance window, right-click an image in the batch image list and click Delete Options | Delete Image.
  2. If the batch is being routed to OCR for AnyDoc, then a message is displayed confirming the deletion and the reason for the deletion. Do one of the following:
    • Enter the reason for the deletion and click Delete Image

    • If the option to delete the entire document set instead of an individual image was selected on the Edit Profile | Quality Assure tab (see Quality Assure Options), click Delete Document Set.

  3. If the batch is not being routed to OCR for AnyDoc, then a message is displayed confirming the image's deletion.
  4. Click OK to confirm the deletion.