In the Quality Assurance phase, you can:
Examine the images for quality, adjust and rescan if necessary
Perform image cleanup
Reorder images that are out of order
Rotate images in 90° increments
Insert skipped pages
Append images to the end
Delete unwanted images
If the image destination is OCR for AnyDoc, you can:
Manually classify images to specific templates in the OCR for AnyDoc form family
Make images into attachment pages
The image list shows either the image's associated imprinter string, document set sequence, image name, or the sequence number. You can switch back and forth from these four views by clicking the title button at the top of the list. The default is configured in Settings | CAPTUREit Options | QA tab.
To magnify an area of the image, click and drag on the image to draw a box around the area. Right-click to return to the full page. In the single image view, if you expand an area, that same area expands on the next image you navigate to.
Black and white images are displayed with scale to gray, which increases the quality of the display without changing the actual image file. Scale to gray is a method of compensating for the low resolution of a monitor by showing light and dark gray pixels instead of just black and white.
View properties can be changed to view two or more images at the same time. In multi-image views, the image sequence number or imprinter string can be displayed above each image to help keep track of which image is which. Color images are displayed with black and white images. See Set View Properties.