On The Fly Capture! - Destination Options - CAPTUREit - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - AnyDoc - external


Foundation 23.1



E-Mail Images

Select to send the scanned images via e-mail.

E-Mail Privacy - Don't Save Settings For Next Session

Discards the e-mail address, subject, and message at the end of the session.

Destination Path

The directory the image files are saved to.


Saves the images to the specified base directory with a subdirectory named with the year, month, day and time.

Copy (Scan & Print)

Simulates the function of a photocopier. This allows you to scan and immediately print the images. Multiple copies and collating are supported.

Multi Page

Select to output all images as a multi-page file and select the naming convention to use for the file. Options include:

  • Custom Name

Enter the custom name in the field to the right or select a naming convention from the drop down list.


The file is saved using the Year/Month/Day_Hour/Minutes/Seconds format.

Save Batch Records in History Database

Creates a record in the history database (Microsoft® Access) for each batch of processed images

Save Local Copy of Images (ZIP)

Create a .ZIP file of the entire batch prior to the release of the batch. If this option is selected, you have the ability to resubmit a batch from the history database viewer. The .ZIP files are located in C:\ProgramData\AnyDoc\CAPTUREit\CONTROL\backup_zips\