Select Files For Import - CAPTUREit - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - AnyDoc - external


Foundation 23.1

If a scanner is not detected at scan time or the Import Image Source option is specified, then the Import File Prompt window is displayed so the files to be imported can be selected.

  1. Verify the Current Import Path is correct or enter the correct path.
  2. Verify the File Mask field is correct or enter the file name mask for the files to be imported.
    The default *.* means all file names and extensions are imported. To restrict importing to just .TIF files, for example, enter *.TIF.
  3. In the File Selection section, select the files to be imported and click double arrow icon.
  4. Information about the selected files is displayed in the Files Selected for Import section.
  5. Click OK.