Field |
Expression |
Description |
System Batch Identifier |
Outputs the system defined batch identifier number. |
User Batch Control |
Outputs the user defined batch control number for the capture profile (if any), defined in Create/Edit Capture Profile | Output - ASCII tab | Configure Batch Control Number button. |
Station Identifier |
Outputs the Unique Scan Station Identifier. For more information, see Scanner Interface Options. |
Julian Date Y2K (CCYYDDD) |
Outputs the current year and three-digit sequential day number. For example, February 1, 2004 would be output as 2004032. |
Julian Date (YYDDD) |
Outputs the last two digits of the current year and three-digit sequential day number. For example, February 1, 2004 would be output as 04032. |
Julian Day (DDD) |
Outputs the three-digit sequential day number without the year. For example, February 1, 2004 would be output as 032. Every year, this starts over at 001. |
<S_DATE_Y2K> |
Outputs the current date, with the four-digit year first. For example, February 1, 2004 would be output as 20040201. |
Date (YYMMDD) |
<S_DATE> |
Outputs the current date with the two-digit year first. For example, February 1, 2004 would be output as 040201. |
Month |
Outputs the current two-digit month, zero filled if necessary. |
Day |
<S_DAY_DD> |
Outputs the current two-digit day, zero filled if necessary. |
Year (2 digit) |
Outputs the current two-digit year. |
Year (4 digit) |
<S_DATE_Y4> |
Outputs the current four-digit year. |
Century (2 digit) |
Outputs the current two-digit century. For example, 2004 and 2005 would both be output as 20. |
Time-Hour-12 (HH) |
Outputs the current two-digit hour using the 12-hour clock. |
Time-Hour-24 (HH) |
<S_TIME_HH_24> |
Outputs the current two-digit hour using the 24-hour clock. For example, 3 pm would be output as 15. |
Time-AM/PM |
Specifies AM or PM. |
Time-Minute (MM) |
Outputs the current two-digit minute. For example, 9:05 would be output as 05. |
Operator |
<S_OPER> |
Outputs the network ID of the scan station, or if logins are used, the user name. |