Scanner Settings Overview - CAPTUREit - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - AnyDoc - external


Foundation 23.1

Scanner settings determine what scanner interface is used when scanning with CAPTUREit as well as many of the scanning properties such as resolution, orientation, color or black and white.

The available tabs depend on how you access the Scanner Settings window, which scanner interface is selected and the features available on the specific scanner attached to the workstation. The Scanner Settings window can be accessed from multiple locations:



Settings | Scanner Setup

When a capture profile is first created, it inherits these Scanner settings. These settings are used when batches of forms are scanned into the capture profile. In addition, the scanner interface and certain batch scan options for the workstation are set here.

Create/Edit Capture Profile window |Profile Options tab | Scanner settings button

Access the scanner settings for capture profiles and change them for future batches.

On The Fly Capture wizard | Scanner settings button

Adjust the Scanner settings before scanning.

Quality Assurance phase

The operator has the ability to change Scanner settings associated with image quality to rescan a document that did not scan well originally, or to insert/append images with different settings. In this case, the changes only apply to images in the current batch. When the operator goes on to the next batch, the parameters return to the original settings.