Date Formats - CAPTUREit - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - AnyDoc - external


Foundation 23.1

Date Output Format



Six-digit date, items are zero filled.


International six-digit date, items are zero filled.


Six-digit date, items are zero filled.

DD Day (zero filled)

Two-digit day, zero filled (if appropriate).

D# Day

Day number (from 1 through 31).

M# Month

Month number (between 1 and 12).

MM Month (zero filled)

Two-digit month number, zero filled (if appropriate).

MO Month (abbreviation)

Three character standard month abbreviation. For example, OCT or DEC.

MN Month (full)

Month name spelled out. For example, October or December.

MH Month (Hollerith Code)

Month is converted to a single-character Hollerith Code equivalent. Jan thru Sep is 1 - 9, Oct is 0 (zero), Nov is - (minus), and Dec is &.

Y1 Year (1 digit)

Only the last digit of the year is output. For example, 1987 is output as7, 2004 is output as 4.

YY Year (2 digit)

Outputs the decade and year. For example, 1987 is output as 87, and 2004 is output as 04.

Y3 year (3 digit)

Outputs the century, decade and year. For example, 1987 is output as 987, and 2004 would output 004.

Y4 Year (4 digit)

Outputs the four-digit year. For example, 1987 is output as 1987.

DDMMY4 (std int'l)

Standard international eight-digit date, items are zero filled.

Y4MMDD (standard)

Standard eight-digit date, items are zero filled. For example, 2004/09/23.

MMDDY4 (standard)

Standard eight-digit date, items are zero filled. For example, 09/23/2004.


Day count starting from the first day of the current year. For example, February 1st is 32.


Zero filled day count starting from the first day of the current year.

- Hyphen

Places a hyphen in the output.

/ Slash

Places a slash in the output.