OCR for AnyDoc can be configured to send the status of batches or data transfer confirmation back to the CAPTUREit workstation. This requires CAPTUREit Server and CAPTUREit to be installed.
- In OCR for AnyDoc, select Settings | System Configuration| CAPTUREit ® Server.
Select the Post Status of Batches to CAPTUREit Stations When a Batch is Started by CAPTUREit check box to post the batch status to the originating CAPTUREit workstation via CAPTUREit Server. For this to work:
The database options must be enabled in CAPTUREit Server
CAPTUREit Server must have the correct OCR for AnyDoc Control path configured
The CAPTUREit stations must be posting to CAPTUREit Server
CAPTUREit version 2.1 or greater must be installed on the CAPTUREit stations
The CAPTUREit Database field displays the path to the CAPTUREit Server database.
- Click the Test button to test the connection to the CAPTUREit Server database. If the test is successful, a "Connection Successfully Tested" message appears. If the test is unsuccessful, CAPTUREit Server may not be configured properly. Check the CAPTUREit Server properties to make sure the Use Database to Track CAPTUREit Station Activity option is enabled, and that the OCR for AnyDoc Control Path is correct.