ChoiceDialog.SetTitle "My Choice Dual Dialog"
ChoiceDialog.AddItem( "Vinyl Cafe" )
ChoiceDialog.AddItem( "Digital TV" )
ChoiceDialog.AddItem( "General Ham" )
‘ these items will display in the right hand listbox when “Snow White” is selected in the left-hand listbox.
n = ChoiceDialog.AddItem( "Snow White" & Chr(164) & "Apple" & Chr(164) & "Paper" & Chr(164) & "Start" )
nCount = ChoiceDialog.GetCount
ChoiceDialog.SetTextColor n, 1, 1578900
ChoiceDialog.SetFont "Arial"
ChoiceDialog.DualListBox = vbTrue
bResult = ChoiceDialog.DoModal()
If bResult then
‘ the user chose something
strSelection = ChoiceDialog.GetSelection
End if