Button |
Description |
Integral Division |
Division |
Multiplication |
Subtraction |
Addition |
Equals |
Not Equals |
Less Than |
Less Than or Equals |
Greater Than |
Greater Than or Equals |
Returns the offset of the specified character in the string |
Logical And |
Logical Inclusive Or |
Logical Exclusive Or |
Equivalent |
Absolute Value |
Left String |
Right String |
String Length |
Minimization Function |
Maximization Function |
Logical Not |
Upper Case |
Lower Case |
Levenshtein |
Modulus |
Concatenation |
Calculate the summation of all occurrences of the variable throughout the batch |
Calculate the summation of all occurrences of the variable throughout the job |
Returns the upper left point of a rectangle |
Returns the left co-ordinate of a rectangle |
Returns the lower left point of a rectangle |
Returns the top co-ordinate of a rectangle |
Returns the center point of a rectangle |
Returns the bottom co-ordinate of a rectangle |
Returns the upper right point of a rectangle |
Returns the right co-ordinate of a rectangle |
Returns the lower right point of a rectangle |
Returns the X value of a point |
Returns the Y value of a point. |
Returns a rectangle representing the area of a variable. |