To control how far from the keyword the solutions may be, select the following:
Only Retain Datawords that are within
Select this to select the number of lines that the Datawords must be above or below the keyword.
Lines Above the Keyword
Enter a number to restrict the number of lines above the keyword that the Dataword can reside.
Lines Below the Keyword
Enter a number to restrict the number of lines below the keyword that the Dataword can reside.
The Datawords must be within _ of the Keyword
Enter a number to determine the distance, in units (regardless of DPI), that the Dataword is allowed to reside from the keyword and still be considered a valid Dataword.
The data will be locate in the _ of the Image
Select a search area from the drop down list if you know that the data the algorithm is searching for is always located in a certain area on the form. By limiting the search area, processing time is shortened and accuracy is increased. All settings are relative to the Bounding Box of the full page OCR data. These settings apply equally to keywords and Datawords. This is a geometric filter. Options include:
Full Page - The entire Bounding Box is searched.
Top Half - Only the top half of the Bounding Box is searched.
Bottom Half - Only the bottom half of the Bounding Box is searched.
Left Side - Only the left side of the Bounding Box is searched.
Right Side - Only the right side of the Bounding Box is searched.
Upper Left Corner - Only the upper left corner of the Bounding Box is searched.
Upper Right Corner - Only the upper right corner of the Bounding Box is searched.
Lower Left Corner - Only the lower left corner of the Bounding Box is searched.
Lower Right Corner - Only the lower right corner of the Bounding Box is searched.
To narrow the location of the dataword to the keyword
The blue areas surrounding the letters KW indicate where the algorithm searches for DataWords in relation to the keyword.
To restrict the areas that the algorithm searches, click each section of the blue area one time.
To search immediately above, below, left or right of the keyword click the thin rectangles. The word Immediate is displayed in the section and the section remains blue. By selecting Immediate, only the first token encountered moving in that direction is kept.
To remove these areas from the search click the section twice. The area turns white, thus removing it from the search area.
Click "KW" in the center box to use the keyword as a possible DataWord. The box turns blue.
- Click OK.