If checks are not automatically cropped by the Check Processor tool, or if the user chooses to manually crop checks, they can be routed to the Manually Crop Check tool. This tool opens an image viewer window that allows an operator to manually crop the image by selecting the check area for each image. The operator can also accept original images that do not require cropping and reject any non-check images.
The Manually Crop Check tool's image viewer includes several option buttons:
Accept: Designates the original image as a check (Check Status 1) and displays the next available image that has not been accepted, rejected, or cropped yet. Use this button if the original image does not require cropping.
Reject: Designates the image as a non-check (Check Status 0) and displays the next available image.
Undo: Returns the image to its original un-cropped state and removes any accepted or rejected status from the image. The image must be re-cropped, re-accepted, or re-rejected.
Rotate Left: Rotates the image left (counter-clockwise) by 90 degrees.
Rotate Right: Rotates the image right (clockwise) by 90 degrees.