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OCR for AnyDoc Programming Reference Guide

OCR for AnyDoc
Foundation 23.1

This section discusses the use of the BatchAPI to create a custom workflow model. Using the API assumes you have a programming background as custom programming is involved.

The Batch Interface Library provides a high-level custom interface to the OCR for AnyDoc batch processes, such as Scan, Import, Quality Assurance, EXCHANGEit Exceptions, Auditor, and Classification. The Batch Interface Library allows a custom application (client) to simulate the process controls in the Work Flow Manager window in OCR for AnyDoc (server).

The code for a sample application (client) is provided on the distribution CD. When you install the Batch API option, it installs the sample application to C:\Program Files\Hyland\OCR for AnyDoc\CodeSamp\BatchAPI\ (32-bit environment) or C:\Program Files (x86)\Hyland\OCR for AnyDoc\CodeSamp\BatchAPI\ (64-bit environment). The Client sample demonstrates all features of the BatchAPI interface.

The library (AnyApi.dll) manages all of the communication between the client and server (OCR for AnyDoc) ANYAPI.DLL is distributed with OCR for AnyDoc, and must reside in either the working directory (the directory where OCRforAnyDoc.exe is located) or in the DOS Path.

The terms “Client” and “Server” are used throughout this section. Client refers to the custom interface written to initiate and control batch processing in OCR for AnyDoc. Server always refers to OCR for AnyDoc (OCRforAnyDoc.exe).