This function is called at different points within OCR for AnyDoc to allow you to respond to different verification or extraction scenarios as they are encountered.
CDLL_PRE_VERIFIER: Prior to OCR for AnyDoc initiating verification for the current data image, the function is called to allow for line editing and rule violation flagging to occur.
CDLL_POST_EXTRACTION: After the data extraction process for the current data image, the function is called to allow for line editing and rule violation flagging to occur.
CDLL_POST_VERIFIER: After a user has completed verification for the current data image, the function is called to allow for line editing, rule violation flagging, and data output to occur.
CDLL_NO_VERIFICATION: If a form does not require verification (i.e., Parameters | Verification | Utilize Verification Process is set to either Never or If Any Questionable Characters or Rule Violations) this function is called to allow for data output to occur. There is no facility to allow for flagging of rule violations during extract on a conditional image at this time.
Dialog boxes or message boxes must not be shown during any phase of the DLLVfyLinePhase function.
The points at which the DLLVfyLinePhase() function is called are specified in the lpDllVfyStruct member variable nVerificationPhase. This variable contains one of the Custom DLL Edit Phase Flags defined in the supplied header file VFYCUST.H.
- ( LPDLLVFYSTRUCT lpDllVfyStruct );