Manually crops the check for BROKERit processing and optionally endorses, if specified. Not supported in VERIFYit.
Applicable Events
Post Extract, AnyApp Post Extract, Pre-Verify, Interactive, Verification Function Key (F-Key), Post-Verify, Pre/Post Verify
object.CheckCrop (bVirtualBack, strEndorsementString, CheckFrontImageSequence)
Object is a reference to a Form object. For more information, see Form Object (page Form Object).
CheckCrop is the command.
bVirtualBack indicates if the check back is virtually created or was physically scanned and is the next image in the batch.
strEndorsementString is an optional parameter. vbCrLF to indicate separate endorsement lines in the string.
CheckFrontImageSequence is an optional parameter. If this parameter is not specified, the current image is used.
strEndorsement = "For Deposit Only" & vbCrLf & "Account Number #####" & vbCrLf & "Another Number ####"
bOk = Form.CheckCrop (True, strEndorsement, nCheckFrontSequence )