Use this method to access other applications' objects from within OCR for AnyDoc. The combination of the user-assigned value and the program ID uniquely creates access to the application. The first time a particular user-assigned value and program ID are used, a connection is created. In subsequent uses, the connection is retrieved.
Global functions persist independently on different workstations (in RAM) until OCR for AnyDoc is closed or until the connection with the object is destroyed with the DeleteGlobalObject function.
Applicable Events
Post Extract, AnyApp Post Extract, Pre-Verify, Interactive, Verification Function Key (F-Key), Post-Verify
object.CreateGlobalObject (intUserAssignedValue,strProgramID)
Object is a reference to the Application object. For more information, see Application Object (page Application Object).
CreateGlobalObject is the command.
intUserAssignedValue is a numerical value of your choice.
strProgramID is the program ID. To locate program IDs, consult the application documentation.
'Do the database lookup here, and populate the areas from File
'First item is to get the Control Number
strLookup = Mid(strNo, 7, 9)
'Create the database session and check to see if exists
Set objDb = CreateGlobalObject(1, "ADODB.Connection")
If GlobalObjectIsNew(1, "ADODB.Connection") = True Then
objDb.provider = "MSDASQL"
objDb.Open "DBName", "xxx", "xxx"
End If
'take data from lookup and see if you get a hit
strQuery = "SELECT * FROM xxxtable WHERE ControlNumber = '" & strLookup & "'"
Set objRecordSet = objDb.Execute(strQuery)
If Not objRecordSet.EOF Then
'MsgBox "Found Record"
Label.Hidden = True
Hit.Value = "Y"
'Populate the address parts from file
'LastName zone
strTemp = trim(objRecordSet.Fields(1).Value)
If strTemp <> "" Then
LName.Value= strTemp
End If
'FirstName zone
strTemp = trim(objRecordSet.Fields(2).Value)
If strTemp <> "" Then
FName.Value= strTemp
End If
'MsgBox FName.Value
'MiddleInitial zone
strTemp = trim(objRecordSet.Fields(3).Value)
If strTemp <> "" Then
MI.Value= strTemp
End If
strTemp = trim(objRecordSet.Fields(8).Value)
If strTemp <> "" Then
Add1.Value= strTemp
End If
strTemp = trim(objRecordSet.Fields(9).Value)
If strTemp <> "" Then
Add2.Value= strTemp
End If
strTemp = trim(objRecordSet.Fields(10).Value)
If strTemp <> "" Then
City.Value= strTemp
End If
strTemp = trim(objRecordSet.Fields(11).Value)
If strTemp <> "" Then
State.Value= strTemp
End If
strTemp = trim(objRecordSet.Fields(12).Value)
If strTemp <> "" Then
Zip.Value= strTemp
End If
Else 'What if no match to file - flow says to key label
'MsgBox "did not match"
End If
'Need to close and destroy the connection if we're all done!
If Form.CurrentBatchPage = Form.TotalBatchPages Then 'end of batch
Set objDb = Nothing
DeleteGlobalObject 1, "ADODB.Connection"
End If