This function takes the string expression passed to it and attempts to make the data alphabetical by converting common OCR substitutions, such as “0” -> “O”. All characters are not necessarily converted.
Any character that is clearly a number is not changed to a letter, but if it is unclear whether a character is the number 1 or an i, for example, MakeAlpha makes it an i.
Applicable Events
AnyApp Pre-Application, AnyApp Post-Algorithm, AnyApp Post-Application, Post Extract, AnyApp Post Extract, Pre-Verify, Interactive, Verification Function Key (F-Key), Post-Verify, ZoneLink
object.MakeAlpha (strValue)
Object is a reference to the Utility or Application object. For more information, see Utility Object (page Utility Object) or Application Object (page Application Object).
MakeAlpha is the command.
strValu is the string to be converted to letters.