This method is used with the other RawToken functions when searching the documents for some piece of data. Previously, the function “FindPhrase” was used to locate the raw token number of a piece of data on the form. “RawTokenArea” simplifies this task by returning a rectangle object that forms the bounding box of the given raw token, and optionally, the number of tokens that follows it.
Applicable Events
AnyApp Pre-Application, AnyApp Post-Algorithm, AnyApp Post-Application, Post Extract, AnyApp Post Extract, Pre-Verify, Interactive, Verification Function Key (F-Key), Post-Verify
object.RawTokenArea nTokenOffset, nTokenCount [=1]
Object is a reference to the Application object. For more information, see Application Object (page Application Object).
RawTokenArea is the command.
' Locate Data on the Form...
nTokenNumber = FindPhrase "ACME INSURANCE COMPANY"
' Get the Area...
Set objArea = RawTokenArea nTokenNumber, 3
This code returns the rectangle that bounds the entire three word phrase.