Used to set the area of the bitmap to display in the ChoiceDialog or GridChoiceDialog.
Applicable Events
Post Extract, AnyApp Post Extract, Pre-Verify, Interactive, Verification Function Key (F-Key), Post-Verify
object.SetInitialViewArea TopLeftX, TopLeftY, BottomRightX, BottomRightY
Object is a reference to the ChoiceDialog or GridChoice Dialog object. For more information, see ChoiceDialog Object (page ChoiceDialog Object) or GridChoiceDialog Object (page GridChoiceDialog Object).
SetInitialViewArea is the command.
TopLeftX is the X coordinate on the image of the top left corner to display.
TopLeftY is the Y coordinate on the image of the top left corner to display.
BottomRightX is the X coordinate on the image of the bottom right corner to display.
BottomRightY is the Y coordinate on the image of the bottom right corner to display.