Used to set the color of a specific line of text in a specified section of the ChoiceDialog. This method is only applicable when the DualListBox method has the blnValue parameter set to False.
Applicable Events
Post Extract, AnyApp Post Extract, Pre-Verify, Interactive, Verification Function Key (F-Key), Post-Verify
object.SetTextColor int nItemOffset, int nLineNumber, long lColor
Object is a reference to the ChoiceDialog object. For more information, see ChoiceDialog Object (page ChoiceDialog Object).
SetTextColor is the command.
nItemOffset is the section of the ChoiceDialog that the affected line is in.
nLineNumber is the line number that the text color is applied to.
lColor is the text color to use.
ChoiceDialog.SetTextColor 1,2,1044480
In this example, the color of the text in section 1, line 2 is green (1044480).