Read-only. Returns the count of sub files for the specified type. By default, the count is for the current batch image sequence, but a specific batch image sequence can also be passed. This method is not supported in VERIFYit.
Applicable Events
Pre-Verification, Post-Verification, Post-Extract
object.SubFileGetCount (<sub file type>, <opt-batch seq>)
Object is a reference to the Form object. For more information, see Form Object (page Form Object).
SubFileGetCount is the command.
Sub File Type is the type of sub file to count, specifically, SUBFILE_CHECK_FRONT or SUBFILE_CHECK_BACK.
Opt Batch Seq is an optional parameter. If not specified, the current batch image sequence is used, otherwise the specified batch image sequence is used.
nCheck_Front_Seq = Form.CurrentBatchPage
nCheck_Back_Seq = Form.CurrentBatchPage + 1
nSubFile_Count_Front = Form.SubFileGetCount (SUBFILE_CHECK_FRONT)
nSubFile_Count_Back = Form.SubFileGetCount (SUBFILE_CHECK_BACK)
'nSubFile_Count_Front = Form.SubFileGetCount (SUBFILE_CHECK_FRONT, nCheck_Front_Seq)
'nSubFile_Count_Back = Form.SubFileGetCount (SUBFILE_CHECK_BACK, nCheck_Back_Seq)
MsgBox "subfile counts - front/back = " & "/" & nSubFile_Count_Front & "/" & nSubFile_Count_Back