Read-only. Returns the number of pages in the active document set. TotalDocSetPages always returns a value of one in Preview mode, Interactive Processing mode, or when not utilizing the document set feature.
Applicable Events
Post Extract, AnyApp Post Extract, Pre-Verify, Interactive, Verification Function Key (F-Key), Post-Verify
object.TotalDocSetPages [ bIncludeAttachments ][bIncludeDeleted]
Object is a reference to the Form object. For more information, see Form Object (page Form Object).
TotalDocSetPages is the command.
bIncludeAttachments is an optional parameter. When set to True (the default), attachment pages are included in the page count. When set to False attachment pages are not included in the count.
bIncludeDeleted is an optional parameter. If a True value is passed, the number of pages in the current DocSet includes the number of attachments and deleted images. This is the default. If a False value is passed, the number of attachments and deleted images are not included in the count.
nCount = Form. TotalDocSetPages ‘ Returns number of images in the current DocSet including Attachments and Deleted images
nCount = Form. TotalDocSetPages(False) ‘ Returns number of images in the current DocSet excluding Attachments but including Deleted images
nCount = Form. TotalDocSetPages(True) ‘ Returns number of images in the current DocSet including Attachments and Deleted images
nCount = Form. TotalDocSetPages(False, False) ‘ Returns number of images in the current DocSet excluding both Attachments and Deleted images
nCount = Form. TotalDocSetPages(True, False) ‘ Returns number of images in the current DocSet including Attachments but not including Deleted images
nCount = Form. TotalDocSetPages(False, True) ‘ Returns number of images in the current DocSet excluding Attachments and including Deleted images