Read-write. Used with the AccuZip object to gets or set the street address line (delivery line) portion of the AccuZip engine.
Applicable Events
Post Extract, AnyApp Post Extract, Pre-Verify, Interactive, Verification Function Key (F-Key), Post-Verify
object.AddressField [ = strValue ]
Object is a reference to the AccuZip object. For more information, see AccuZip Object (page AccuZip Object).
AddressField is the command.
strValue is the value to which the street address line is set.
Dim intReturn
AccuZip.AddressField = zAddress1.Value & " " & zAddress2.Value
AccuZip.CityField = zCity.Value
AccuZip.StateField = zState.Value
AccuZip.ZipField = zZIP.Value
If AccuZip.Process = False And gintCounter < 3 Then
zAddress1.Flagged = True
zAddress1.CustomMessage = "Please confirm Address Line 1"
zAddress2.Flagged = True
zAddress2.CustomMessage = "Please confirm Address Line 2"
zCity.Flagged = True
zCity.CustomMessage = "Please confirm City"
zState.Flagged = True
zState.CustomMessage = "Please confirm State"
zZIP.Flagged = True
zZIP.CustomMessage = "Please confirm ZIP Code"
gintCounter = gintCounter + 1
End If
If AccuZip.Process = False And gintCounter > 1 Then
zAddress1.Flagged = True
intReturn = MsgBox("Errors still exist in the address. Continue anyway?", vbYesNo)
If intReturn = 6 Then '6 returned if yes
zAddress1.Flagged = False
zAddress2.Flagged = False
zCity.Flagged = False
zState.Flagged = False
zZIP.Flagged = False
ElseIf intReturn = 7 Then '7 returned if no
gintCounter = 0
End If
End If